Non-Emergency Phone Number For Situations That Are Not Life-Threatening

  • When to Use the Non-Emergency Phone Number

    Non-emergency phone numbers can be used for any general call related to the police, fire, or medical agencies that is not a life-threatening emergency.

  • Grant County Non-Emergency Phone Number

    If in doubt, call 911. Better to be safe than sorry.

    Our non-emergency number rings in the dispatch center 24/7/365.

Types of Non-Emergency Calls

  • Non-injury and non-blocking vehicle accidents

  • Nuisance complaints (i.e. noise, parking, etc.)

  • Non-dangerous animal control issues

  • Information about or messages to police personnel or other agencies

  • Reporting power, telephone, or cable outages


By increasing the use of non-emergency numbers and restricting the use of 911 to emergency calls only, we are helping to ensure that 911 is readily available to all citizens during real emergency situations.

Call 911 to report a crime or for emergencies requiring immediate police or medical assistance